DVD96004 Nixon in China-Adams - Le Châtelet 18.4.12 MEZZO

DVD96004 Nixon in China-Adams - Le Châtelet 18.4.12 MEZZO
Item# DVD96004

Product Description

DVD96004 Nixon in China-Adams - Le Châtelet 18.4.12 MEZZO

Here is the live broadcast of Nixon in China-Adams from Mezzo TV Théâtre le Châtelet on the 18.04.2012 at 20:00 in two DVD5.

Nixon in China John Adamas

Direction musicale : Alexander Briger Mise en scène et chorégraphie : Chen Shi-Zheng Décors : Shilpa Gupta Costumes : Petra Reinhardt Lumières : Alexander Koppelmann Vidéaste : Olivier Roset Collaboratrice à la chorégraphie : Yin Mei

Orchestre de Chambre de Paris Choeur du Châtelet

Richard Nixon Franco Pomponi Pat Nixon June Anderson Henry Kissinger Peter Sidhom Mao Zedong : Alfred Kim Madame Mao (Jiang Qing) : Sumi Jo Chou En-Lai : Kyung Chun Kim 1ère secrétaire de Mao : Sophie Leleu 2ème secrétaire de Mao : Alexandra Sherman 3ème secrétaire de Mao : Rebecca de Pont Davies

DVD5 Technical information:

VOB files Container: MPEG-PS Video bitrate: 9400kbps Frame rate: 25 frames/second Audio:AC-3 biterate: 256kbps Sample rate: 48000Hz Chanel: 2

ISO files (contens the VOB files) to make an DVD5:

Join the files with "hjsplit.exe". You will get an ISO file, which most of the HD Multimedia HDD can read. And If you wish to burn those DVD5, just open the ISO file with your favorite PC burning program.