DVD-Y269 Puccini Tosca 1973 Tokyo Kabaivanska VIDEO

DVD-Y269 Puccini Tosca 1973 Tokyo Kabaivanska VIDEO
Item# DVDY-269

Product Description

Tosca NHK Lirica Italiana - 1973 Conductor - Oliviero De Fabritiis

Floria Tosca - Raina Kabaivanska Mario Cavaradossi - Flaviano Laḅ Scarpia - Giampietro Mastromei Il Sagristano - Guido Mazzini Cesare Angelotti - Carlo Mericiani Spoletta - Fernandino Jacopucci Sciarrone - Franco Lombardi

The source is a TV broadcast, the quality is good for the time, some scenes are dark as NHK didn't provide any additional stage lighting for their telecasts. I have not seen that any commercial efforts have been made for this particular performance. At this time I would also like to request some more Christmas Concert Videos, I know there are many but if anyone has one that has not been uploaded, I am sure we would all appreciate it.