DVD-Y0 Alfano Cyrano de Bergerac 2007 Valencia VIDEO
DVD-Y1 Alfano cyrano de Bergerac 2008 milan VIDEO
DVD-Y10 Bellini Norma 1988 Monte carlo VIDEO
DVD-Y100 Donizetti Don Pasquale 1977 Vienne
DVD-Y101 Donizetti don Pasquale 2007 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y102 Donizetti Don Pasquale 2007 Zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y104 Donizetti Don Sebastien 1998 Bergamo VIDEO
DVD-Y105 Donizetti Eisir d' amore 1959 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y106 Donizetti Favorita 2002 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y107 Donizetti Fille du regiment 1994 gruberova VIDEO
DVD-Y108 Donizetti Fille du Regiment 1997 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y109 Donizetti Fille du Regiment 2007 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y11 Bellini Puritani 1998 Zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y110 Donizetti Fille du Regiment 2007 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y111 Donizetti Lucia 1972 film Moffo VIDEO
DVD-Y112 Donizetti Lucia 1987 Adria VIDEO
DVD-Y113 Donizetti Lucia 1988 Barcelone (VIDEO)
DVD-Y114 Donizetti Lucia 1990 zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y115 Donizetti Lucia 1999 Messina VIDEO
DVD-Y116 Donizetti Lucia 2004 Calligari VIDEO
DVD-Y117 Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor 1983 GenŠve VIDEO
DVD-Y118 Donizetti Lucia di lammermoor 1994 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y119 Donizetti Lucia RAI MOffo
DVD-Y12 Bellini Sonnambula 1987 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y120 Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia 2000 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y121 Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia 2002 Marseille VIDEO
DVD-Y122 Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia 2005 Monte carlo VIDEO
DVD-Y123 Donizetti maria di Rohan 1998 VIDEO
DVD-Y124 Donizetti maria di Rudenz 1981 Venise VIDEO
DVD-Y125 Donizetti Rita 1985 Sienne VIDEO
DVD-Y126 Donizetti Roberto Devereux 1990 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y127 Donizetti Roberto Devreux 1992 Bologne VIDEO
DVD-Y128 Eders Kardinal VIDEO
DVD-Y129 Egk Zaubergeige VIDEO
DVD-Y13 Bellini Sonnambula 1999 Lausanne VIDEO
DVD-Y130 Elektra Varnay Documentaire VIDEO
DVD-Y131 Eotvos Angels in America 2004 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y132 Faust Gounod 2008 Orange VIDEO
DVD-Y133 Film Karajan r‚p‚tition VIDEO
DVD-Y134 Film Melode Interrompe
DVD-Y135 Flotow Matha 1980 ZDF VIDEO
DVD-Y136 Giordano Andrea Chenier 1989 Frankfurt VIDEO
DVD-Y137 Giordano Andrea chenier 1989 Parma VIDEO
DVD-Y138 Giordano Andrea Chenier 2008 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y139 Gluck Iphigenie en Tauride 1981 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y14 Berg Lulu 1979 Paris acte 3 VIDEO
DVD-Y140 Gluck Iphigenie en Tauride 1981 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y141 Gounod Faust 1985 Philadelphia VIDEO
DVD-Y142 Gounod Romeo et Juliette 2008 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y143 Gretry Jeunesse de Pierre Le Grand VIDEO
DVD-Y144 Handel Haendel Alcina 1982 Australia VIDEO
DVD-Y145 Handel Haendel Giulio Cesare 2004 Liceu
DVD-Y146 Haydn Infedelta delusa 2004 VIDEO
DVD-Y147 Haydn Lo SpeZiale 1982 Lugano VIDEO
DVD-Y148 Handel Heandel Giulio Cesare 1981 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y149 Humperdinck Hansel und gretel 1970 canada VIDEO
DVD-Y15 Berg Lulu 1979 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y15 Berg Lulu 1979 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y150 Humperdinck Hansel und Gretel 1997 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y151 Humperdinck Hansel und Gretel 2008 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y152 Interview Gwyneth Jones VIDEO
DVD-Y153 Janacek affaire Makropoulos 2001 Brno VIDEO
DVD-Y154 Janacek Jenufa 1970 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y155 Janacek Jenufa 1986 San Francisco VIDEO
DVD-Y156 Janacek Petite Renarde rus‚e 1983 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y157 Janacek Petite renarde rusee 2008 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y158 Janacek petitte renarde rus‚e felsenstein VIDEO
DVD-Y159 Kalman Csardasfuerstin 1971 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y160 Kienzl Evangelimann 1964 Munich film VIDEO
DVD-Y161 Lehar land des Laecheln 2007 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y162 Lehar Nacht in Venedig 1973 VIDEO
DVD-Y163 Lehar Paganini 1972 Gaermany VIDEO
DVD-Y164 Lehar Paganini VIDEO
DVD-Y165 Lehar Veuve Joyeuse 1997 Shaftesbury Lott VIDEO
DVD-Y166 Leoncavallo Pagliacci 1959 Moscou VIDEO
DVD-Y167 Leoncavallo Pagliacci 1989 Caracas VIDEO
DVD-Y168 Leoncavallo Pagliacci 2007 genova VIDEO
DVD-Y169 Leoncavallo Pagliacci Cupido
DVD-Y17 Berg Lulu 1994 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y170 Leoncavallo Pagliacci Cura Bologna 2000 VIDEO
DVD-Y171 Leoncavallo Reginetta delle rose 1992 Palerme VIDEO
DVD-Y172 Lorzing Undine 1969 VIDEO
DVD-Y173 Lorzing Waffenschmied 1978 TV VIDEO
DVD-Y174 Lorzing Zar und Zimmermann 1975 ZDF VIDEO
DVD-Y175 Luisa Miller 2005 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y176 Maazel 2005 VIDEO
DVD-Y177 Maechetti Ruy Blas VIDEO
DVD-Y178 Marschner Vampyr 2008 VIDEO
DVD-Y179 Mascagni Cavalleria Naples Video
DVD-Y18 Berg Wozzek 2003 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y180 Mascagni Cavalleria rusticana 1952 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y181 Mascagni Cavalleria Rusticana 1991 Cottbus VIDEO
DVD-Y182 Mascagni Cavalleria rusticana 1997 Parma VIDEO
DVD-Y183 Mascagni Cavalleria rusticana 2007 Genova VIDEO
DVD-Y185 Massenet Manon 1977 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y186 Massenet Manon 2007 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y187 Massenet Manon 2007 Vienne (VIDEO)
DVD-Y188 Massenet Werther 1991 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y189 Massenet Werther 1993 Lille VIDEO
DVD-Y19 Berlioz Benvenuto Cellini 2007 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y190 Massenet Werther 1999 Lisbonne VIDEO
DVD-Y191 Massenet Wether 1955 Gencer Video
DVD-Y192 Merikanto Juha VIDEO
DVD-Y192 Merikanto Juha VIDEO
DVD-Y193 Milloecker Dubarry 1975 VIDEO
DVD-Y193 Milloecker Dubarry 1975 VIDEO
DVD-Y194 Milloecker Gasparone 1972 VIDEO
DVD-Y194 Milloecker Gasparone 1972 VIDEO
DVD-Y195 Mosca I tre Mariti 2002 Pesrao VIDEO
DVD-Y196 Moussorgsky Boris 1981 Chicago VIDEO
DVD-Y197 Moussorgsky Boris Godounov 1986 Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y198 Moussorgsky Boris Godounov 1998 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y199 Moussorgsky Boris Godounov talvela ectraits VIDEO
DVD-Y2 Ballo in maschera riciarelli domingo Abbado VIDEO
DVD-Y20 Berlioz Damnation de Faust 2002 Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y200 Moussorgsky Boris Godounov VIDEO
DVD-Y201 Moussorgsky Khovanchina Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y202 Moussorgsky Kovatnchina 1959 Moscou VIDEO
DVD-Y203 Mozart Clemenza di Tito 1976 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y205 Mozart Don giovanni 1960 RAI VIDEO
DVD-Y206 Mozart Don giovanni 1974 Prague VIDEO
DVD-Y207 Mozart Don Giovanni 1990 Bologne VIDEO
DVD-Y208 Mozart Don Giovanni 2006 Baden Baden VIDEO
DVD-Y209 Mozart Enlevement au Serail 2005 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y210 Mozart Entfuehrung 1989 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y211 Mozart Idomeneo 2005 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y212 Mozart Idomeneo 2008 munich VIDEO
DVD-Y214 Mozart Nozze di Figaro 1979 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y215 Mozart Zaide 2008 Aix en Provence VIDEO
DVD-Y216 Mozart Zauberfloete 1985 Bregenz VIDEO
DVD-Y217 Mozart Zauberfloete 2000 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y218 Mozart Zauberfloete 2001 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y219 Mozart Zauberflote 1997 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y22 Bizet Carmen 1969 Naples VIDEO
DVD-Y220 Mueller Siemens Genoveva Munich 1977 VIDEO
DVD-Y221 Nicolai Lusitgen Weiber von Windsor 1977 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y222 Nicolai Lustigen Weiber VIDEO
DVD-Y223 Offenbach Barbe bleue 2006 Bregenz VIDEO
DVD-Y224 Offenbach Belle Helene 1975 Stuttgart Kollo Moffo VIDEO
DVD-Y225 Offenbach Contes d' hoffmann 1980 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y226 Offenbach Contes d' Hoffmann 2002 zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y227 Offenbach contes d'hofmann 1975 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y228 Offenbach docteur Ox (L‚vy, Druet L-2003 Paris) no subs VIDEO
DVD-Y229 Offenbach Grande Duchesse De Gerolstein 1983 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y23 Bizet Carmen 1979 Prague VIDEO
DVD-Y230 Offenbach Voyage dans la lune 1986 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y231 Orff Di Kluge 19890 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y232 Pacini Saffo 1987 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y233 Pergolesi Serva Padrona 1958 VIDEO
DVD-Y234 Portrait Behrens VIDEO
DVD-Y235 Portrait chanteuses Bayreuth VIDEO
DVD-Y236 Portrait Hans Hotter VIDEO
DVD-Y237 Portrait Max Lorenz VIDEO
DVD-Y238 Portrait Nilsson VIDEO
DVD-Y239 Portrait Saliminen VIDEO
DVD-Y24 Bizet Carmen 1980 Verona Video
DVD-Y240 Poulenc Dialogues des Carmelites 2008 Hamburg VIDEO
DVD-Y242 Poulenc Dialogues of the Carmelites (Sutherland, Buchanan, Begg c Bonynge) sung in english, no subs VIDEO
DVD-Y243 Poussiere d' amour VIDEO
DVD-Y244 Prokofiev Amour des trois oranges 2004 Aix VIDEO
DVD-Y245 Prokovief Guerre et Paix 2003 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y246 Puccini - Turandot (Acs, Budapest O, Gordei, Martinucci, Hong; Stade de France - May 2005 - French TV)
DVD-Y247 Puccini Boheme 1981 Japon VIDEO
DVD-Y248 Puccini Boheme 1987 Saint Gall VIDEO
DVD-Y249 Puccini Boheme 1995 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y25 Bizet Carmen 1984 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y250 Puccini Boheme 2000 Palerme VIDEO
DVD-Y251 Puccini Boheme 2008 Sydney VIDEO
DVD-Y252 Puccini Boheme Caball‚ Carreras
DVD-Y253 Puccini Boheme NY Rolando Villaz¢n VIDEO
DVD-Y254 Puccini Buttefly 1955 VIDEO
DVD-Y255 Puccini Butterfly Gallardo Domas COVENT GARDEN 2003
DVD-Y256 Puccini Edgar 2008 Turin VIDEO
DVD-Y257 Puccini gianni Schicci 2004 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y258 Puccini Gianni Schicci 2008 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y259 Puccini Madama Butterfly 1986 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y260 Puccini Manon Lescaut 2005 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y261 Puccini Manon Lescaut 2005 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y262 Puccini Rondine 1970 Toronto VIDEO
DVD-Y263 Puccini Rondine 1998 Washington VIDEO
DVD-Y264 Puccini Suor Angelica 1959 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y265 Puccini Suor Angelica 1987 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y266 Puccini Suor angelica 2008 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y267 Puccini Tabarro 1956 RAI VIDEO
DVD-Y268 Puccini tabarro 2008 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y269 Puccini Tosca 1973 Tokyo Kabaivanska VIDEO
DVD-Y27 Bizet Carmen 2004 Orange VIDEO
DVD-Y270 Puccini Tosca 1984 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y271 Puccini Tosca 1992 film decors originaux
DVD-Y272 Puccini Tosca 2000 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y273 Puccini Tosca 2005 Timisoara VIDEO
DVD-Y274 Puccini Tosca 2007 Bucharest VIDEO
DVD-Y275 Puccini Tosca Bregenz VIDEO
DVD-Y276 Puccini Tosca Verett Film
DVD-Y277 Puccini Turandot 1991 Weimar VIDEO
DVD-Y278 Puccini Turandot 2001 Scala VIDEO
DVD-Y279 Puccini Turandot 2002 Saint Petersburg VIDEO
DVD-Y28 Bizet carmen 2007 londres VIDEO
DVD-Y280 Puccini Turandot 2008 Valencia VIDEO
DVD-Y281 Purcell Dido and Eneas 1996 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y282 Ravel Heure espagnole 1987 Glyndebourne VIDEO
DVD-Y283 Ravel Heure espagnole 2004 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y284 Recital Caball‚ 1975 Barcelona
DVD-Y285 Recital caball‚ rome 1980
DVD-Y286 Recital Corelli Cossotto VIDEO
DVD-Y287 Recital Cossotto VIDEO
DVD-Y288 recital Crespin
DVD-Y289 Recital Gencer VIDEO
DVD-Y29 Boito mefistofele 1989 VIDEO
DVD-Y290 Recital Schroeder Feinen VIDEO
DVD-Y292 Rimsky Korsakov Fianc‚e du Tsar 2007 Moscou VIDEO
DVD-Y293 Rimsky Korsakov Fianc‚e du Tsar VIDEO
DVD-Y294 Rimsky Korsakov Mozart et salieri VIDEO
DVD-Y295 Rossini Barbiere di Siviglia 1965 VIDEO
DVD-Y296 Rossini Barbiere di Siviglia 1984 Aix VIDEO
DVD-Y298 Rossini Barbiere di siviglia 1999 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y299 Rossini Cenerentola 1984 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y3 Bartock Chateau de Barbebleue 1989 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y30 Britten Owen Wingrave 1971 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y300 Rossini Donna del Lago 2008 Pesaro VIDEO
DVD-Y301 Rossini Ermione 1991 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y302 Rossini Pietra del Paragone 1982 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y303 Rossini pietra paragone scotto
DVD-Y304 Rossini Riccardo e Zoraide VIDEO
DVD-Y305 Rossini Semiramide 1980 Aix VIDEO
DVD-Y306 Rossini Semiramide 1980 Sao Polo VIDEO
DVD-Y307 Rossini Semiramide 1982 Turin VIDEO
DVD-Y309 Rossini Semiramide 1992 Venise VIDEO
DVD-Y31 Britten Paul Bunyan 2997 Brgenz VIDEO
DVD-Y310 Rossini Semiramide Napoli 1987
DVD-Y311 Rossini Siege de Corinthe 2001 Lyon VIDEO
DVD-Y312 Rossini Signor Bruschino VIDEO
DVD-Y313 Rossini Tancredi 1977 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y314 Rossini Tancredi 1981 Aix VIDEO
DVD-Y315 Rossini Tancredi 1992 Bologne VIDEO
DVD-Y316 Rossini Tancredi 2004 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y317 Rossini Turco in Italia 10970 Germany VIDEO
DVD-Y318 Rossini Turco in Italia 1994 Bologna VIDEO
DVD-Y319 Rossini Viaggio a Reims 1988 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y32 Busoni Arlecchino 1984 Lugano VIDEO
DVD-Y320 Rossini Viaggio a reims 2003 Helsinki VIDEO
DVD-Y321 Rossini Video Cenerentola 1980 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y322 Rota Chapeau de Paille 1975 VIDEO
DVD-Y323 rysanek interview
DVD-Y324 Rysanek portrait VIDEO
DVD-Y325 Saint Saens Samson et Dalila 1998 Mexico VIDEO
DVD-Y326 Saint Sens Samson Dalila 2002 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y328 Schoenberg Moise et Aaron VIDEO
DVD-Y329 Schreker Irrelohe 2004 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y33 Callas le jour de sa mort VIDEO
DVD-Y330 Schreker Schatzgraeber 1989 Hamburg VIDEO
DVD-Y331 Schubert Fierrabras 2002 Zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y332 Shostakovich Lady macbeth
DVD-Y333 Shostakovich Lady Macbeth 2005 Budapest VIDEO
DVD-Y334 Smetana Verkaufte Braut 1932 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y335 Strauss Aiadne 2002 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y336 Strauss Arabella 1966 hamburg VIDEO
DVD-Y337 Strauss Arabella 1967 Hamburg VIDEO meilleure
DVD-Y338 Strauss Arabella 1988 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y339 Strauss Arabella 1989 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y34 Callas Portrait ARTE
DVD-Y341 Strauss Arabella 2002 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y342 Strauss Capriccio 1999 salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y343 Strauss Elektra 1982 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y347 Strauss Elektra 2005 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y348 Strauss Elektra 2008 barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y349 Strauss Elektra Japon
DVD-Y35 Carrer Marathon Salamis VIDEO
DVD-Y350 Strauss Elktra 2005 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y351 Strauss Esels Schatten VIDEO
DVD-Y353 Strauss frau Ohne Schatten 1996 Amsterdam VIDEO
DVD-Y354 Strauss Intermezzo 1983 Glyndebourne VIDEO
DVD-Y355 Strauss j Fledermaus 1977 londres VIDEO
DVD-Y356 Strauss j. Fledermaus 1970 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y357 Strauss j.Fldeermaus Sills VIDEO
DVD-Y358 Strauss nacht in Wenedig 1974 VIDEO
DVD-Y359 Strauss quatre dernier lieder Caball‚ VIDEO
DVD-Y36 Charpentier Louise 2007 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y361 Strauss Rosenkavalier 2007 Hamburg VIDEO
DVD-Y362 Strauss Salome 1995 saint Petersburg VIDEO
DVD-Y363 Strauss salome 2003 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y364 Strauss Salome 2005 Dresden VIDEO
DVD-Y365 Strauss salome 2007 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y366 Strauss Salome scene finale rysane VIDEO
DVD-Y367 Strauss Scweigsame Frau 1972 Munich VIDEO
DVD-Y368 Strauss Vier letzte Lieder Caball‚ Vid‚o
DVD-Y369 Strauss Vier Letzten Lieder Popp VIDEO
DVD-Y37 Cornelius Barbiere von Bagdad 1973 VIDEO
DVD-Y370 Stravinsky Oedipus Rex 1979 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y371 Stravinsky Oedipus rex 1984 Amsterdam VIDEO
DVD-Y372 Susa Liaisons dangereuses VIDEO
DVD-Y373 Tchaikovsky dame de pique 1983 Philadelphie VIDEO
DVD-Y375 Tchaikovsky Eigene Onegin 2007 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y377 Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin
DVD-Y378 Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin 2003 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y379 Tchaikovsky Mazeppa 1995 VIDEO
DVD-Y38 Cosma Marius et Fanny 2007 Marseilles VIDEO
DVD-Y380 Tchaikovsky Pucelle d Orlean Palerme 3003 VIDEO
DVD-Y381 The big City Lehmann FILM
DVD-Y382 Thomas Mignon 1992 Compiegne VIDEO
DVD-Y383 Thomas Mignon Toulouse VIDEO
DVD-Y384 vedri trovatore pavarotti
DVD-Y385 Verdi Aida 1973 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y386 Verdi Aida 1976 Orange VIDEO
DVD-Y387 Verdi Aida 1977 Orange VIDEO
DVD-Y388 Verdi Aida 1980 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y389 Verdi Aida 1987 Budapest VIDEO
DVD-Y39 Da Capo Agnes Giebel VIDEO
DVD-Y390 Verdi Aida 1987 Luxor VIDEO
DVD-Y391 Verdi Aida 1991 Long Island VIDEO
DVD-Y392 Verdi Aida 1993 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y393 Verdi Aida 1998 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y394 Verdi Aida 1998 Tkyo VIDEO
DVD-Y395 Verdi Aida 1999 Malta VIDEO
DVD-Y396 Verdi Aida 1999 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y397 verdi aida marton
DVD-Y398 Verdi Attila 1982 Turin VIDEO
DVD-Y399 Verdi Attila 2001 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y4 Bartok Chateau de Barbeleue 2005 Hongrie VIDEO
DVD-Y40 Da CAPO Anna Moffo
DVD-Y400 Verdi Ballo In Mascega Gedda VIDEO
DVD-Y401 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 1978 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y402 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 1981 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y403 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 1986 vienne Video
DVD-Y404 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 1987 Philadelphia VIDEO
DVD-Y405 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 1998 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y406 Verdi Ballo in Maschera 2007 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y407 Verdi Don Carlo 1992 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y408 Verdi Don Carlo 2008 milan VIDEO
DVD-Y409 Verdi Don Carlos 2007 Barcelona VIDEO
DVD-Y410 Verdi falstaff 1972 BBC VIDEO
DVD-Y411 Verdi Falstaff 1973 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y412 Verdi Falstaff 1981 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y413 Verdi Falstaff 1985 Naples VIDEO
DVD-Y414 Verdi falstaff 1986 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y415 Verdi Falstaff 1989 Cardiff VIDEO
DVD-Y416 Verdi Falstaff 1999 Ferrara VIDEO
DVD-Y417 Verdi Falstaff 2005 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y418 Verdi falstaff 2008 WNO VIDEO
DVD-Y419 Verdi Forza del destino 1981 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y420 Verdi Forza del Destino 1989 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y421 Verdi Forza del Destino 1992 Naples VIDEO
DVD-Y423 Verdi Forza del Destino 1999 milan VIDEO
DVD-Y424 verdi forza del destino 2008 vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y425 Verdi Jerusalem 1984 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y426 Verdi lombardi 2001 Cremona VIDEO
DVD-Y427 Verdi LOmbardi Buenos Aires 2005 VIDEO
DVD-Y428 Verdi Luisa Miller 2007 Parma VIDEO
DVD-Y429 Verdi Macbeth 1975 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y430 Verdi macbeth 1978 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y431 Verdi Macbeth 1993 Savonlinna VIDEO
DVD-Y432 Verdi Macbeth 2004 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y433 Verdi Macbeth 2004 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y436 Verdi Macbeth FILM verrett Nucci VIDEO
DVD-Y437 Verdi Macbeth Pons
DVD-Y438 verdi Macbeth Sarabia stapp
DVD-Y439 Verdi masnadieri 1980 Australian Opera VIDEO
DVD-Y440 Verdi Nabucco 1993 Canada VIDEO
DVD-Y441 Verdi Nabucco 1995 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y442 Verdi Nabucco 2000 Sankt Margareten VIDEO
DVD-Y443 Verdi Nabucco 2007 Ancona VIDEO
DVD-Y444 Verdi Nabucco 2007 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y445 Verdi Nabucco Piacenza 2004 VIDEO
DVD-Y446 Verdi Oberto macerata
DVD-Y447 Verdi Otello 1930 NY Extraits VIDEO
DVD-Y448 Verdi otello 1965 Vienne VIDEO
DVD-Y449 Verdi Otello 1966 Venise VIDEO
DVD-Y451 Verdi otello 1981 Mexico VIDEO
DVD-Y452 Verdi Otello 1981 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y453 Verdi Otello 1984 Lituanie VIDEO
DVD-Y454 Verdi Otello 1987 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y455 Verdi Otello 1991 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y456 Verdi Otello 1994 Morandi VIDEO
DVD-Y457 Verdi Otello 1996 Turin VIDEO
DVD-Y458 Verdi Otello 1999 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y459 Verdi Otello 1999 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y460 Verdi Otello 2003 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y461 Verdi Otello 2004 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y462 Verdi Rigoletto 1946 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y463 Verdi Rigoletto 1971 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y464 Verdi Rigoletto 1988 NY VIDEO
DVD-Y465 Verdi Rigoletto 1994 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y466 Verdi Rigoletto 1999 Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y467 Verdi Rigoletto 2008 Dresden VIDEO
DVD-Y468 Verdi rigoletto Kraus madrid
DVD-Y469 Verdi Simon Boccanegra 1976 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y470 Verdi Simon Boccanegra 1978 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y471 Verdi Simon Boccanegra 1986 Naples VIDEO
DVD-Y472 Verdi simon Boccanegra scala 1979
DVD-Y473 Verdi Stiffelio 2006 Zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y474 Verdi Traviata 1954 RAI VIDEO
DVD-Y475 Verdi Traviata 1973 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y476 Verdi traviata 1984 Marseille VIDEO
DVD-Y477 Verdi traviata 199 buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y478 Verdi Traviata 1991 Ravenna VIDEO
DVD-Y48 DA CAPO Fassbaender VIDEO
DVD-Y480 Verdi Traviata 1995 Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y481 Verdi Traviata 1996 Mexico VIDEO
DVD-Y482 Verdi traviata 2001 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y483 Verdi Traviata 2003 Marjinsky VIDEO
DVD-Y484 Verdi traviata 2004 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y485 Verdi Traviata 2007 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y486 Verdi Traviata 2008 Zurich VIDEO
DVD-Y487 Verdi Traviata Paris film Mehta
DVD-Y488 Verdi Trovarore 2001 Rome VIDEO
DVD-Y489 Verdi Trovatore 1977 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y490 verdi trovatore 1985 oviedo VIDEO
DVD-Y491 Verdi Trovatore 1985 Toulon VIDEO
DVD-Y492 Verdi trovatore 1987 Tokyo VIDEO
DVD-Y493 Verdi Trovatore 1991 Florence VIDEO
DVD-Y494 Verdi Trovatore 2006 Parma VIDEO
DVD-Y495 Verdi Trovatore 2007 Orange VIDEO
DVD-Y496 Verdi Trovatore 2008 Genoa VIDEO
DVD-Y497 Verdi trovatore Bonisolli VIDEO
DVD-Y498 Verdi trovatore paris 2003
DVD-Y499 Verdi Vespri Siciliani 2003 Toulon VIDEO
DVD-Y5 Beethoven Fidelio 2003 Salzburg VIDEO
DVD-Y500 Video Callas
DVD-Y501 VIDEO Di Stefano
DVD-Y502 VIDEO Gencer 2008
DVD-Y503 VIDEO Kaufmann
DVD-Y504 VIDEO Kollo Nilsson
DVD-Y505 VIDEO Kollo Noel
DVD-Y506 VIDEO Lorengar
DVD-Y507 video ninova
DVD-Y508 VIDEO Portrait Bumbry
DVD-Y509 VIDEO Portrait Caball‚
DVD-Y510 VIDEO Sills
DVD-Y511 Wagner Goetterdaemmerung 1990 Graz VIDEO
DVD-Y512 Wagner Goetterdaemmerung 2006 londres VIDEO
DVD-Y513 Wagner Goetterdaemmerung 2008 Stockholm VIDEO
DVD-Y514 Wagner Holaender 1980 Geneve VIDEO
DVD-Y515 Wagner Hollaender 2005 Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y516 Wagner Hollaender 2006 Londres VIDEO
DVD-Y517 Wagner Hollaender 2007 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y518 Wagner Lohengrin 1980 Barcelone VIDEO
DVD-Y519 Wagner Lohengrin 2008 Amsterdam VIDEO
DVD-Y52 DA CAPO Greindl
DVD-Y521 Wagner Meistersinger 1981 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y522 Wagner Meistersinger 2008 Bayreuth VIDEO
DVD-Y524 Wagner Parsifal 1997 Bayreuth VIDEO
DVD-Y525 Wagner Parsifal 1999 Bayreuth VIDEO
DVD-Y526 Wagner Rheingold 1990 Gratz VIDEO
DVD-Y527 Wagner Rheingold 2005 Stockholm VIDEO
DVD-Y528 Wagner Ring 1984 Berlin Making of VIDEO
DVD-Y529 Wagner Siegfried 1990 Graz VIDEO
DVD-Y530 Wagner Siegfried 2007 ROH VIDEO
DVD-Y531 Wagner Siegfried 2008 Stockholm VIDEO
DVD-Y532 Wagner Tannhauser 1982 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y533 Wagner tannhauser 2008 Barcelone VIDEO
DVD-Y534 Wagner tristan Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y535 Wagner Tristan und Isolde 1985 Bruxelles VIDEO
DVD-Y536 Wagner tristan und Isolde 2004 Lucerne VIDEO
DVD-Y537 Wagner Tristan und Isolde 2007 Milan VIDEO
DVD-Y539 Wagner Walkuere 1990 Gratz VIDEO
DVD-Y540 Wagner Walkuere 1990 Gratz VIDEO OK
DVD-Y541 Wagner walkuere 2004 Glastonbury acte III VIDEO
DVD-Y542 Wagner Walkuere 2007 Aix Video
DVD-Y543 Wagner walkuere 2008 Berlin acte 1 VIDEO
DVD-Y544 Wagner Walkuere 2008 Stockholm VIDEO
DVD-Y545 Wagner-LOHENGRIN-VIDEO-Trieste 9 March 2005-
DVD-Y546 Weber Freischuetz 1983 Bregenz VIDEO
DVD-Y547 Weber Oberon 1986 Frankfurth VIDEO
DVD-Y548 Weill Happy end 1985 Washington VIDEO
DVD-Y549 Weill Johnny spielt auf VIDEO
DVD-Y55 Da Capo Herman Prey
DVD-Y550 Weill Lady in the dark 2001 VIDEO
DVD-Y551 Weill Mahagonny 1987 Buenos Aires VIDEO
DVD-Y552 Weill Mahagonny 2007 los Angeles VIDEO
DVD-Y553 Weill Sept p‚ch‚s capitaux 2001 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y554 weill sept peches capitaux 2001Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y555 Zandonai Francesca da Rimini 1980 Verona VIDEO
DVD-Y556 Zandonai Francesca da Rimini 1995 Palerme
DVD-Y557 Zeller Vogelhaendler 1982 Russe VIDEO
DVD-Y56 Da Capo Herta Topper
DVD-Y58 DA CAPO Inge Bork
DVD-Y6 Beethoven Fidelio 2004 Robben Island VIDEO
DVD-Y62 Da Capo Kurt Moll VIDEO
DVD-Y64 DA CAPO Maria stader VIDEO
DVD-Y65 Da CAPO Martha Moedl VIDEO
DVD-Y67 Da Capo Mathis VIDEO
DVD-Y68 Da CAPO Neidlinger VIDEO
DVD-Y69 Da Capo Nilsson VIDEO
DVD-Y7 Beethoven Fidelio 2006 Valencia VIDEO
DVD-Y70 Da CAPO Riciarelli VIDEO
DVD-Y71 Da Capo Sandor Konya
DVD-Y72 Da Capo Schwarzkopf
DVD-Y74 Da Capo Seefried VIDEO
DVD-Y75 Da Capo Sena Jurinac VIDEO
DVD-Y76 Da Capo SIlja VIDEO
DVD-Y77 DA CAPO Soederstrom VIDEO
DVD-Y78 Da Capo Thomas Stewart VIDEO
DVD-Y79 Da Capo Tom Krause
DVD-Y8 Bellini Norma 1967 Berlin VIDEO
DVD-Y81 Da Capo Waldemar Kmentt VIDEO
DVD-Y82 Da Capo Walter Berry
DVD-Y83 Da Capo Welitsch VIDEO
DVD-Y84 DA CAPO Wieslaw Ochmann
DVD-Y89 D'Albert Tiefland 1964 VIDEO
DVD-Y9 Bellini Norma 1981 San Francisco 1981 VIDEO
DVD-Y90 De Falla Vida Breve Caball‚
DVD-Y91 De falla Vida Breve Madrid VIDEO
DVD-Y92 Debussy Pellaes 2007 Paris VIDEO
DVD-Y93 Documentaire Behrens VIDEO
DVD-Y94 Documentaire Da Capo VARNAY
DVD-Y95 Documentaire Di Stefano VIDEO
DVD-Y96 Documentaire opera et troisiŠme Reich
DVD-Y97 Documentaire Wagner
DVD-Y98 Donizetti Anna Bolena 1986 Bregenz VIDEO
DVD-Y99 Donizetti Belisario 1977 Graz VIDEO
DVDBR10 Annie Get Your Gun - 1957 TV cast. Mary Martin (Ann
DVDBR100 Something’s Afoot - London Late 70’s-Early 80s. And
DVDBR101 Songs For A New World -  Concert with Michael Arden
DVDBR102 South Pacific -  Original London Cast 1952 professi
DVDBR103 Spamalot -  Monty Python’s Spamalot.  03/12/05 OBC.
DVDBR104 Sugar Babies - Original Broadway Cast - Ann Miller
DVDBR105 Sunday in the Park with George - 2002 Kennedy Cente
DVDBR106 Sweeney Todd - City Opera 3/11/04 with Elaine Paige
DVDBR107 Sweeney Todd -  Los Angeles pro-shot. George Hearn
DVDBR108 Sweet Charity - 2005 New BC, Christina Applegate, D
DVDBR109 Tarzan - 03/30/06 OBC.  A
DVDBR11 Annie Get Your Gun - US Tour. Cathy Rigby, Brent Ba
DVDBR110 Ten Commandments: Musical - Los Angeles , CA 12/04
DVDBR111 Threepenny Opera - Broadway 03/29/06 Alan Cumming,
DVDBR113 Urinetown - OBC  A-
DVDBR114 West Side Story - 11/13/02 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. J
DVDBR115 White Christmas - 12/03/05  Boston John Anthony,Ter
DVDBR116 White Noise - 09/23/06  Rick Crom, Danny Calvert, M
DVDBR118 Wiz - 1984 Broadway. Stephanie Mills. Outstanding v
DVDBR119 Wizard of Oz – 11/05/95 Jackson Browne (Scarecrow),
DVDBR12 Annie Warbucks - Los Angeles , Pre-Off-Broadway 10/
DVDBR120 Woman of The Year - 1981, Broadway: Lauren Bacall (
DVDBR122 You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown -  Skokie , IL . A
DVDBR13 Anything Goes - Lincoln Center revival cast with Pa
DVDBR14 Assassins – Broadway 04/04 Marc Kudisch, Neil Patri

*** Not available, sorry***
DVDBR16 Baker’s Wife - Papermill Playhouse, April 2005. Ali
DVDBR18 Beehive – no information
DVDBR19 Bells Are Ringing - Plymouth Theater Faith Prince,
DVDBR2 1776 – Recording Session, 1996 Bway Cast Album. RAR
DVDBR20 Bernarda Alba – 03/14/06 Daphne Rubin-Vega, Phylici
DVDBR21 Big River - 09/23/03 Deaf West Broadway Revival Tyr
DVDBR22 Boobs! The Musical - 2003 Clyde Alves, Tim Cross, L
DVDBR23 Boy From Oz – Bway. Peter Allen: Hugh Jackman; Liza
DVDBR24 Brilliant Mistakes – 10/31/05 Adam Pascal, Anthony
DVDBR25 Bye Bye Birdie - 1992 Tour ( L.A. ) with Ann Reinki
DVDBR26 Cabaret – 10/21/87 Joel Grey, Alyson Reed, Regina R
DVDBR27 Carousel - 07/06/02 Carnegie Hall, concert. Hugh Ja
DVDBR28 Carrie - Stratford . Complete show. Mostly stage sh
DVDBR29 Chess: Concert - Broadway Cares, Equity Fights AIDS
DVDBR3 700 Sundays - Billy Crystal Broadway Show that peop
DVDBR30 Chicago – 11/23/05 Tour - Chicago, IL. Paige Davis
DVDBR31 Children of Eden -  World AIDS Day Concert 12/01/03
DVDBR32 Cinderella - R&H version at Papermill Playhouse. 11
DVDBR33 Cinderella - R&H version NYC Opera. Sarah Uriarte B
DVDBR34 Cinderella - Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical; Ori
DVDBR35 City of Angels - London Cast, great picture and aud
DVDBR36 Civil War – 02/25/00 National Tour Palace Theatre,
DVDBR37 Company – 01/23/93, 20th Anniversary Reunion Concer
DVDBR38 Company – 11/13/06 Original Broadway Revival Cast w
DVDBR39 Company - Kennedy Center, Washington DC – 06/02 Joh
DVDBR4 A Christmas Carol - Madison Square Garden 11/25/94
DVDBR40 Crazy For You - Papermill Playhouse. PBS.  A+ (2 di
DVDBR41 Crucible - revival cast Liam Neeson & Laura Linney.
DVDBR42 Curtains - 03/27/07 Broadway. David Hyde Pierce, De
DVDBR43 Damn Yankees - 1996 Touring Cast: Jerry Lewis.  Som
DVDBR44 Diary of Anne Frank - Broadhollow Players at BayWay
DVDBR45 Drowsy Chaperone – 04/03/06  Original Cast.  A+
DVDBR46 Drowsy Chaperone - 05/06 - Sutton Foster, Beth Leav
DVDBR47 Earth Girls are Easy - 09/30/02 Kristen Chenoweth,
DVDBR48 Evita - Original Broadway Cast. LuPone, Patinkin, G
DVDBR49 Follies -  06/01/01 revival Blythe Danner, Judith I
DVDBR5 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To The Forum - 19
DVDBR50 Foreigner - 12/04/04 Laura Pels Theatre, NY Matthew
DVDBR51 Funny Girl - Music Theatre of Wichita , KS 07/01 Fa
DVDBR52 Liza with a Z 1972 concert film
DVDBR53 Godspell - Off Broadway, Proshot Stage shot basical
DVDBR54 Graduate -   OBC Kathleen Turner, Alicia Silverston
DVDBR55 Grease - 07/28/07 Broadway Preview. Max Crumm, Laur
DVDBR56 Great American Trailer Park Musical - Off-Broadway.
DVDBR57 Grey Gardens -  Original Off-Broadway production 04
DVDBR58 Grey Gardens - Original Off-Broadway production 04/
DVDBR59 Guys and Dolls - Original Broadway Revival: Nathan
DVDBR6 A Man Of No Importance - 09/21/02 Really nice video
DVDBR60 Gypsy - 07/29/07 City Center Encores! Final Perform
DVDBR61 Gypsy - 8/13/06, Ravinia Festival. Final Performanc
DVDBR62 Hair  - 09/20/04 4th Annual Actor's Fund Benefit Co
DVDBR63 Harold and Maude – 02/80 Janet Gaynor, Keith McDerm
DVDBR66 Into the Woods - 11/09/97 reunion concert. Bernadet
DVDBR67 Into the Woods - Pre-Broadway. Poor quality video t
DVDBR68 It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman - 1975 TV
DVDBR69 Jekyll & Hyde - 11/15/97 Broadway. Robert Cuccioli,
DVDBR7 A New Brain - Broadway 08/98 Good taping of origina
DVDBR70 Legally Blonde – 02/24/07 San Francisco Tryout. Lau
DVDBR71 Legally Blonde - 04/14/07 Broadway. Laura Bell Bund
DVDBR72 Les Miserables  –Third National Tour. EXCELLENT vid
DVDBR73 Light in Piazza- Los Angeles 12/7&9/06 Christine An
DVDBR74 Lion King - 10/08/00 Los Angeles . Rufus Bonds Jr.,
DVDBR75 Mail - Bway 1988 Michael Rupert, Brian [Stokes] Mit
DVDBR76 Mame -  1983 Bwy Revival Cast Angela Lansbury, Jane
DVDBR77 Marie Christine - OC Audra McDonald, Anthony Crivel
DVDBR78 Martin Guerre - good picture and sound
DVDBR79 Mary Poppins - 02/22/05 OC London Laura Michelle Ke
DVDBR8 After Ashley – 02/19/05 Anna Paquin, Kieran Culkin,
DVDBR80 Mary Poppins - 10/31/06 Broadway Cast: Ashley Brown
DVDBR82 Music Man - Bwy, Eric McCormack- Harold Hill, Rebec
DVDBR83 Oklahoma - 1979 Bway revival. Christine Andreas, La
DVDBR84 On The 20th Century - Actor's Fund Benefit Concert
DVDBR85 On the Town - English National Opera 05/28/05 Tim H
DVDBR86 Pajama Game - 05/06 Harry Connick Jr., Kelli O’Hara
DVDBR87 Pajama Game – NY 05/02 Encores! Brent Barrett, Kare
DVDBR88 Pippin - 11/29/04 (Benefit Concert) Michael Arden,
DVDBR89 Pirate Queen - 04/13/07 Broadway Stephanie J. Block
DVDBR9 Annie - Original Broadway production, 1980. John Sh
DVDBR90 Ragtime - London concert from BBC TV. Professionall
DVDBR91 Ragtime - OBC Brian Stokes Mitchell, Peter Friedman
DVDBR92 Rocky Horror Show - 08/17/01 Tom Hewitt, Alice Ripl
DVDBR93 Scarlet Pimpernel - 05/29&30/99 Broadway  Douglas S
DVDBR94 Scene - 02/07/07 Second Stage Theatre, Off-Broadway
DVDBR95 Secret Garden - Royal Shakespeare Company, London.
DVDBR96 Secret Garden - US Tour 1992 James Barbour
DVDBR97 Secret Garden -  Benefit Concert 12/05/05  Steven P
DVDBR98 Seussical – Broadway 05/20/01 CLOSING NIGHT. Copy o
Magna 1
Master Cl
MP4-BR10 Annie Get Your Gun - 1957 TV cast. Mary Martin (Annie Oakley), John Raitt (Frank Butler), William O'Neal (Buffalo Bill Cody), Reta Shaw (Dolly Tate), Donald Burr (Charles Davenport), Norman Edwards (Tommy Keller), Susan Luckey (Winnie Tate), Zachary Charles (Sitting Bull), Robert Nash (Pawnee Bill), Stuart Hodes (Wild Horse), Jan Skidmore (Nellie Oakley), Patricia Morrow (Jessie Oakley), Shelley Windsor (Little Girl), Luke Halpin (Little Jake); B&W.  B+
MP4-BR100 Something’s Afoot - London Late 70’s-Early 80s. Andy Gibb, Jean Stapleton. Proshot for Showtime of hilarious murder mystery spoof. Great cast and a good copy despite the age.  B+
MP4-BR101 Songs For A New World -  Concert with Michael Arden and John Tartaglia, Jerry Dixon, Christine Pedi, Andrea Burns, Jessica Molaskey, Brooks Ashmanskas, Michael Cerveris, Emily Skinner, Nikki Renee Daniels, Darius DeHaas, Brian D'Arcy James. Special one-time performance to benefit the Bergen Youth Orchestra. Narrated by Jason Robert Brown.  very good video, filmed from the right side of the audience. Fantastic video quality and closeup shots; incredible performance.  A
MP4-BR102 South Pacific -  Original London Cast 1952 professionally filmed for Rodgers and Hammerstein's private collection!  Mary Martin. RARE!  B  (2 discs)
MP4-BR103 Spamalot -  Monty Python’s Spamalot.  03/12/05 OBC.  A
MP4-BR104 Sugar Babies - Original Broadway Cast - Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney.  B
MP4-BR105 Sunday in the Park with George - 2002 Kennedy Center Sondheim Festival. Raul Esparza, Melissa Errico
MP4-BR106 Sweeney Todd - City Opera 3/11/04 with Elaine Paige and Mark Delavan. Shot from 2nd ring. Digital, from master.  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR107 Sweeney Todd -  Los Angeles pro-shot. George Hearn & Angela Lansbury.  A+  (2 discs)
MP4-BR108 Sweet Charity - 2005 New BC, Christina Applegate, Denis O’Hare. Camera settles in beautifully after first few minutes. Very close and colorful
MP4-BR109 Tarzan - 03/30/06 OBC.  A
MP4-BR11 Annie Get Your Gun - US Tour. Cathy Rigby, Brent Barrett. NOT the 1999 Revival. Uses original book and music, before revival made it more Filmed on a tripod, full stage shot. Sound directly from sound board. A-
MP4-BR110 Ten Commandments: Musical - Los Angeles , CA 12/04 Val Kilmer, Lauren Kennedy, Kevin Earley, Adam Lambert, Michelle Pereira, Alisan Porter. RARE! Following it's Los Angeles debut, this mammoth production (which reportedly cost $15 million to produce) was expected to tour major venues across US , before finding a home on Broadway. Unfortunately this mess of a show closed amid lackluster critical response. This is a PRO SHOT video, produced with expectation that show would be a hit, and video would be available for sale. This is a broadcast quality video.  A+
MP4-BR111 Threepenny Opera - Broadway 03/29/06 Alan Cumming, Jim Dale, Ana Gasteyer, Cyndi Lauper, Nellie McKay.  Clear picture and sound, nice close-ups throught; an excellent video.  A
MP4-BR113 Urinetown - OBC  A-
MP4-BR114 West Side Story - 11/13/02 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Josh Groban, Beyonce Knowles, Jesse L. Martin, Kevin Spacey, Katie Curoc, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Kelsey Grammar, Kevin Kline, Robert DeNiro, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Kattan, Chita Rivera, Bette Midler, Heather Headley, Whoopi Goldberg, Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Tony Danza, Rudy Gulianni, Robin Williams, Rebecca Luker, David Gaines. Proshot.  A+
MP4-BR115 White Christmas - 12/03/05  Boston John Anthony,Terry Beaver, Stephen Bogardus, Katherine Doherty as Susan Waverly, Michael Gruber, Isenegger, Karen Morrow, Kerry O'Malley.  A
MP4-BR116 White Noise - 09/23/06  Rick Crom, Danny Calvert, Molly Laurel, Micah Shepard, Phillip Taratula, Libby Winters
MP4-BR118 Wiz - 1984 Broadway. Stephanie Mills. Outstanding video/ sound with very little generational loss!  B+
MP4-BR119 Wizard of Oz – 11/05/95 Jackson Browne (Scarecrow), Natalie Cole (Glinda), Jewel (Dorothy), Lucie Arnaz (Aunt Em), Roger Daltrey (Tin Woodman), Joel Grey (Wizard of Oz), Debra Winger (Wicked Witch of West), & Christy Baron, Dr. John Jay Kiman, Neal Mayer, Julia Murney, Catherine Ruivivar, Stephanie Seeley, Phoebe Snow, Tom Treadwell, Jennifer L. Neuland, David Sanborn, Robin Skye (Background Singers)
MP4-BR12 Annie Warbucks - Los Angeles , Pre-Off-Broadway 10/29/92 Harvey Evans, Harve Presnell, Lindsey Ridgeway, Molly Scott. RARE! Well filmed. Performed at LA’s Pantages Theatre.  B+
MP4-BR120 Woman of The Year - 1981, Broadway: Lauren Bacall (Tess Harding), Harry Guardino (Sam Craig), Marilyn Cooper (Jan Donovan), Roderick Cook (Gerald), Grace Keaghy (Helga), Elvind Harum (Alexi Petrokov), Jamie Ross (Larry Donovan), Rex Everhart (Maury) ; nice close-ups with good color and lighting, no wash-outs; low generation close to the master—amazing quality for its age!   B+
MP4-BR121 Women -  Broadway 2001 PBS Broadcast/Stage on Screen.  Cynthia Nixon, Kristen Johnson, Rue McClanahan.  From Digital Satellite TV.  A+  (2 discs)
MP4-BR122 You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown -  Skokie , IL . Anthony Rapp, Kristin Chenoweth.  B+
MP4-BR123 Young Frankenstein - 08/28/07 Seattle Tryout. Roger Bart, Megan Mullally, Sutton Foster, Shuler Hensley, Andrea Martin, Fred Applegate, Christopher Fitzgerald.  A terrifically talented and funny cast.  A beautiful capture of the tryout before Broadway, with many changes. A-
MP4-BR124 Zanna, Don’t – 06/27/03. VERY rare video with Jai Rodriguez, very nice recording, with great close-ups (it's a small theatre), great sound and video. Great video.
MP4-BR13 Anything Goes - Lincoln Center revival cast with Patti LuPone. Recorded from the theatre's closed-circuit monitoring system.  B+ (2 discs)
MP4-BR14 Assassins – Broadway 04/04 Marc Kudisch, Neil Patrick Harris, Mario Cantone, Michael Cerveris. Shot from the mezz, beautiful video.  A
MP4-BR16 Baker’s Wife - Papermill Playhouse, April 2005. Alice Ripley, Max von Essen. Pro-shot highlights (about an hour or so).  A+
MP4-BR18 Beehive – no information
MP4-BR19 Bells Are Ringing - Plymouth Theater Faith Prince, Marc Kudish Amazing video with great zooms and wonderful sound
MP4-BR2 "1776" – Recording Session, 1996 Bway Cast Album. RARE! Behind the scenes video
MP4-BR20 Bernarda Alba – 03/14/06 Daphne Rubin-Vega, Phylicia Rashad
MP4-BR21 Big River - 09/23/03 Deaf West Broadway Revival Tyrone Giordano, Michael McElroy, Daniel Jenkins, Troy Kotsur, Lyle Kanouse, Gina Ferrall, Michael Arden.  Many cover ups but when there are not cover ups good quality.  Sound is great. 
MP4-BR22 Boobs! The Musical - 2003 Clyde Alves, Tim Cross, Leslie Ann Hendricks, Katie Pees, Benjie Randall, Alena Watters
MP4-BR23 Boy From Oz – Bway. Peter Allen: Hugh Jackman; Liza Minnelli: Stephanie J. Block
MP4-BR24 Brilliant Mistakes – 10/31/05 Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Raul Esparza, Sherie Renee Scott, Marcy Harriell, Nobert Leo Butz, Will Chase, Matthew Morrison, Gavin Creel
MP4-BR25 Bye Bye Birdie - 1992 Tour ( L.A. ) with Ann Reinking and Tommy Tune. Missing small portions of very beginning and ending.  B
MP4-BR26 Cabaret – 10/21/87 Joel Grey, Alyson Reed, Regina Resnick, Werner Klemperer, Greg Edelman
MP4-BR27 Carousel - 07/06/02 Carnegie Hall, concert. Hugh Jackman, Audra MacDonald (not pro-shot)
MP4-BR28 Carrie - Stratford . Complete show. Mostly stage shot.  A-
MP4-BR29 Chess: Concert - Broadway Cares, Equity Fights AIDS Broadway Benefit Concert Josh Grobon, Adam Pascal, Sutton Foster, Julia Murney
MP4-BR3 700 Sundays - Billy Crystal Broadway Show that people traded their children to get tickets to.
MP4-BR30 Chicago – 11/23/05 Tour - Chicago, IL. Paige Davis (Roxie Hart), Brenda Braxton (Velma Kelly), Tom Wopat (Billy Flynn), Carol Woods (Mama Morton), Kevin Carolan (Amos Hart) Amazing close-ups with very few obstructions and only short bouts of shakiness.  There are occasional blackouts so person filming can applaud.  A
MP4-BR31 Children of Eden -  World AIDS Day Concert 12/01/03 Julia Murney, Jonathan Dokuchitz, Norm Lewis, Darius de Haas, Max von Essen, Kate Shindle, Laura Benanti, John Tartaglia.  Beautifully- shot video (tri-pod perhaps?).  A
MP4-BR32 Cinderella - R&H version at Papermill Playhouse. 11-12-05.  A
MP4-BR33 Cinderella - R&H version NYC Opera. Sarah Uriarte Berry , Christopher Sieber, Eartha Kitt. A-
MP4-BR34 Cinderella - Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical; Original television cast. Julie Andrews. RARE black-and-white copy with commercials!  A
MP4-BR35 City of Angels - London Cast, great picture and audio.  A
MP4-BR36 Civil War – 02/25/00 National Tour Palace Theatre, Chicago IL  A
MP4-BR37 Company – 01/23/93, 20th Anniversary Reunion Concert: Dean Jones, Barbara Barrie, Elaine Stritch, Beth Howland, Donna McKechnie, Charles Kimbrough, Alice Canon, Pamela Myers, Susan Browning, Teri Ralston, George Coe, Steve Elmore, John Cunningham, Stanley Grover, hosted by Angela Lansbury and narrated by George Hearn; includes curtain call speeches.  B
MP4-BR38 Company – 11/13/06 Original Broadway Revival Cast w/ Raul Esparza, Barbara Walsh, Robert Cunningham, Angel Desai, Elizabeth Stanley, Amy Justman.  Beautifully filmed with lots of great closeups. One head in the way  occasionally, but filmer does a good job shooting around it. Crystal clear!  production in which the actors play their own instruments.  A
MP4-BR39 Company - Kennedy Center, Washington DC – 06/02 John Barrowman, Vanessa Redgrave, Alice Ripley, Walter Charles, Matt Bogart, Christy Baron, Emily Skinner, Marcy Harriell
MP4-BR4 A Christmas Carol - Madison Square Garden 11/25/94 This is from the first season of a production that ran for 10 years at Madison Square Garden . Alan Menken’s-Lynn Ahrens’-Mike Okrent's adaptation. In 2004, basis of NBC tv spectacular featuring Kelsey Grammer as Scrooge.  Colorful, though mostly a full stage shot.  Shot from orchestra w/ some washout at times.  B
MP4-BR40 Crazy For You - Papermill Playhouse. PBS.  A+ (2 discs)
MP4-BR41 Crucible - revival cast Liam Neeson & Laura Linney. Nice Video.
MP4-BR42 Curtains - 03/27/07 Broadway. David Hyde Pierce, Debra Monk, Karen Ziemba, Jason Danieley, Jill Paice, Edward Hibbert.  Nicely filmed, but an occasional head appears at the bottom of the screen.  Crystal clear, some minor spotlight washout in the wide shots.  MP4- has  opening menu, scanned Playbill information, and production photos. A-
MP4-BR43 Damn Yankees - 1996 Touring Cast: Jerry Lewis.  Some graininess and generation loss.  B
MP4-BR44 Diary of Anne Frank - Broadhollow Players at BayWay Arts Center , East Islip , NY (“Day Rep”). 2004 cast. Includes question and answer session with cast.  A
MP4-BR45 Drowsy Chaperone – 04/03/06  Original Cast.  A+
MP4-BR46 Drowsy Chaperone - 05/06 - Sutton Foster, Beth Leavel, Bob Martin.  A+
MP4-BR47 Earth Girls are Easy - 09/30/02 Kristen Chenoweth, Marc Kudicsh, Hunter Foster
MP4-BR48 Evita - Original Broadway Cast. LuPone, Patinkin, Gunton. B+
MP4-BR49 Follies -  06/01/01 revival Blythe Danner, Judith Ivey, Gregory Harrison, Treat Williams, Betty Garrett (she is amazing)  DIGITAL.  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR5 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To The Forum - 1996 Broadway. Nathan Lane , Lewis J. Stadlen, Ernie Sabella, Jessica Boevers. Incredibly good.  A-
MP4-BR50 Foreigner - 12/04/04 Laura Pels Theatre, NY Matthew Broderick, Frances Sternhagen, Kevin Cahoon, Mary Catherine Garrison, Neal Huff. A-
MP4-BR51 Funny Girl - Music Theatre of Wichita , KS 07/01 Fanny: Stephanie J. Block; Nicky: Stephen Zinnato; Charles Parker
MP4-BR52 Liza with a Z 1972 concert film
MP4-BR53 Godspell - Off Broadway, Proshot Stage shot basically
MP4-BR54 Graduate -   OBC Kathleen Turner, Alicia Silverstone, Jason Biggs Very nice video.  A-
MP4-BR55 Grease - 07/28/07 Broadway Preview. Max Crumm, Laura Osnes, Lindsay Mendez, Jenny Powers, Kirsten Wyatt, Matthew Saldivar, Robyn Hurder, Ryan Binder, Stephen Buntrock. Stars the winners of NBC's You're the One That I Want reality show. A wonderful capture of this charming show. Max and Laura are great, but the ensemble are the ones who shine here.  A+
MP4-BR56 Great American Trailer Park Musical - Off-Broadway. Orfeh and original cast closing performance.  A-
MP4-BR57 Grey Gardens -  Original Off-Broadway production 04/30/06 Christine Ebersole, Mary Louise Wilson, John McMartin, Matt Cavenaugh.  Includes pristine-quality press reel footage. The show is different from the Broadway production.  A
MP4-BR58 Grey Gardens - Original Off-Broadway production 04/09/06 Christine Ebersole, Mary Louise Wilson, John McMartin, Matt Cavenaugh.   A-
MP4-BR59 Guys and Dolls - Original Broadway Revival: Nathan Lane , Faith Prince, Peter Gallagher. B
MP4-BR6 A Man Of No Importance - 09/21/02 Really nice video. Nice, clean picture and great sound. Some great zooms, filmed from the 8th (last) row. Only known video of this great show out there. After the show, has the pro-shot AMOUR concert from Battery Park (05/05/02)
MP4-BR60 Gypsy - 07/29/07 City Center Encores! Final Performance. Patti LuPone, Boyd Gaines, Laura Benanti, Leigh Ann Larkin, Tony Yazbeck, Nancy Opel, Alison Fraser. Includes curtain call part where Patti calls Laurents and Sondheim on stage. There are about 3 mins total of blackouts/wandering here and there,nothing major. The curtain call is between heads and not much is seen until the end when Steve and Arthur come on stage-that is captured well.  A
MP4-BR61 Gypsy - 8/13/06, Ravinia Festival. Final Performance: Patti Lupone, Jack Willis, Jessica Boevers, Jen Temen, Leo Ash Evens, Debra Watassek, Jane Blass, Derin Altay and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. A
MP4-BR62 Hair  - 09/20/04 4th Annual Actor's Fund Benefit Concert. Proshot starring Soshana Bean, Laura Benanti, Kathy Brier, Jim J. Bullock, Liz Callaway, Gavin Creel, Darius de Haas, Lea DeLaria, Raul Esparza, Harvey Fierstein, Ana Gasteyer, Annie Golden, Ann Harada, Jeffifer Hudson, Ledisi, Norm Lewis, Michael McKean, Euan Morton, Julia Murney, Nancy Opel, Orfeh, Adam Pascal, Billy Porter, Jai Rodriguez, RuPaul, Christopher Sieber, Shayna Steele, John Tartaglia, Toxic Audio, Lillias White, Harris Doran as “Claude”.  A+
MP4-BR63 Harold and Maude – 02/80 Janet Gaynor, Keith McDermott, Denny Dillon, Jack Bitnor
MP4-BR66 Into the Woods - 11/09/97 reunion concert. Bernadette Peters, Joanna Gleason, Chip Zien, Kim Crosby, Tim Aldredge, Ben Wright, Danielle Ferland, Chuck Wagner, Barbara Bryne, Pamela Winslow, Jonathan Dokuchitz, Joy Franz, Kay McClelland, Lauren Mitchell, Merle Louise, Jeff Blumenkrantz, Edmund Lyndeck.  The very beginning is cut off but otherwise this is the full concert- many obstructions. Audio A, Picture  B-
MP4-BR67 Into the Woods - Pre-Broadway. Poor quality video transfer. Awesome look into an earlier version- many different lyrics than the final version.
MP4-BR68 It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman - 1975 TV David Wilson, Lesley-Ann Warren, David Wayne, Kenneth Mars, Loretta Swit, Malachi Throne, Gary Owens; pro-shot for TV.  B+
MP4-BR69 Jekyll & Hyde - 11/15/97 Broadway. Robert Cuccioli, Linda Eder, Christiane Noll, George Merritt, Barrie Ingham.
MP4-BR7 A New Brain - Broadway 08/98 Good taping of original show. Cast includes Kristin Chenoweth. Full stage view throughout, somewhat over bright. Action is easy to follow, with good sound. B
MP4-BR70 Legally Blonde – 02/24/07 San Francisco Tryout. Laura Bell Bundy, Christian Borle, Richard H. Blake, Kate Shindle, Nikki Snelson, Orfeh, Michael Rupert.  This is probably the best video of the pre-Broadway production yet.  Crystal clear and beautifully filmed. Closing night.  A
MP4-BR71 Legally Blonde - 04/14/07 Broadway. Laura Bell Bundy, Christian Borle, Orfeh, Richard H. Blake, Michael Rupert, Kate Shindle. From the balcony, shot over heads occasionally. A-
MP4-BR72 Les Miserables  –Third National Tour. EXCELLENT video. With Ivan Rutherford as Valjean, Stephen Bishop as Javert, Joan Almedilla as Fantine, Sutton Foster as Eponine, Tim Howar as Marius, Kevin Earley as Enjolras, Stephanie Mieko Cohen, Maggie Martinsen, Chrisopher Carlson, Trent Blanton, Ben Davis, Aymee Garcia, J.P Dougherty and Regan Thiel.  A
MP4-BR73 Light in Piazza- Los Angeles 12/7&9/06 Christine Andreas, Elena Shaddow, David Burnham, David Ledingham, Diane Sutherland, Laura Griffith, Jonathan Hammond, Brian Sutherland
MP4-BR74 Lion King - 10/08/00 Los Angeles . Rufus Bonds Jr., Clifton Oliver, Moe Daniels, Jazmn, KaRonn Henderson, Tonya Dixon, John Vickery, Danny Rutigliano, William Akey, Bob Bouchard, Carla Renata Williamsi, Jeffrey Polki, Price Waldman. Best video available.  A
MP4-BR75 Mail - Bway 1988 Michael Rupert, Brian [Stokes] Mitchell, Michelle Pawk
MP4-BR76 Mame -  1983 Bwy Revival Cast Angela Lansbury, Jane Connell. Good for its age.  B+  (2 discs)
MP4-BR77 Marie Christine - OC Audra McDonald, Anthony Crivello.  Beaumont at  Lincoln Center (2 discs)
MP4-BR78 Martin Guerre - good picture and sound
MP4-BR79 Mary Poppins - 02/22/05 OC London Laura Michelle Kelly, Gavin Lee, David Haig, Linzi Hateley, Rosemary Ashe, Julia Sutton. Great pic/sound and includes curtain call.  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR8 After Ashley – 02/19/05 Anna Paquin, Kieran Culkin, Tim Hopper, Grant Shaud
MP4-BR80 Mary Poppins - 10/31/06 Broadway Cast: Ashley Brown, Gavin Lee, Daniel Jenkins, Rebecca Luker, Cass Morgan, Mark Price, Ruth Gottschall, Michael McCarty and Jane Carr. Show stops for 10 minutes in Act I due to technical difficulties, but the rest moved quite smoothly.  A
MP4-BR82 Music Man - Bwy, Eric McCormack- Harold Hill, Rebecca Luker- Marian.  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR83 Oklahoma - 1979 Bway revival. Christine Andreas, Laurence Guittard, Mary Wickes, Bruce Adler, Christine Ebersole, Harry Groener. Amazingly good quality for a video that is nearly 30 years old - semi-pro shot from a house camera patched directly into the soundboard. More than likely was originally recorded for archival purposes or maybe for press/media use. It's great to see Christine Ebersole as Ado Annie!  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR84 On The 20th Century - Actor's Fund Benefit Concert 09/26/05 Marin Mazzie, Douglas Sills, Joanne Worley, Brooks Ashmanskas, Brad Oscar, Christopher Sieber, Cheyenne Jackson, Kathleen Turner, Robert Cuccioli, David Josefsberg, Andy Karl, Tyler Maynard
MP4-BR85 On the Town - English National Opera 05/28/05 Tim Howar, Adam Garcia, Aaron Lazar, Helen Anker, Caroline O'Conner, Lucy Schaufer, Sylvia Syms, Andrew Shore, Janine Duvitski, Alison Jiear.  Video is usually nice and clear, but a bit blurred sometimes.  A-
MP4-BR86 Pajama Game - 05/06 Harry Connick Jr., Kelli O’Hara, Michael McKean, Roz Ryan. Awesome Video.  Includes interviews on NY1 & PBS, and scan of playbill.  A
MP4-BR87 Pajama Game – NY 05/02 Encores! Brent Barrett, Karen Ziemba. Many obstructions. Good Sound. This version is much better than later revival in 06.  B
MP4-BR88 Pippin - 11/29/04 (Benefit Concert) Michael Arden, Laura Benanti, Rosie O'Donnell, Billy Porter, Kate Shindel, Darius DeHaas, Ben Vereen, Terrence Mann, Charles Busch, Julie Murney, John Tartaglia
MP4-BR89 Pirate Queen - 04/13/07 Broadway Stephanie J. Block, Hadley Fraser, Jeff McCarthy, Linda Balgord, William Youmans, Marcus Chait. Wonderful crystal clear capture. This is an AMAZING capture with no obstructions and close to stage.  A+
MP4-BR9 Annie - Original Broadway production, 1980. John Shuck as Oliver Warbucks, Allison Smith as Annie, Betty Hutton as Miss Hannigan, Gary Beach as Rooster, Rita Rudner as Lily.  B+ (2 discs)
MP4-BR90 Ragtime - London concert from BBC TV. Professionally shot. Maria Friedman, Graham Bickley, Laurence Hamilton.  A  (2 discs)
MP4-BR91 Ragtime - OBC Brian Stokes Mitchell, Peter Friedman, Marin Mazzie, Audra McDonald,  Mark Jacoby.  B+  (2 discs)
MP4-BR92 Rocky Horror Show - 08/17/01 Tom Hewitt, Alice Ripley, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Jarrod Emick, Mark Price, Ana Gayster, James Stovall, Jonathan Sharp, Dick Cavett. Great pic/ sound
MP4-BR93 Scarlet Pimpernel - 05/29&30/99 Broadway  Douglas Sills, Rex Smith, Rachel York. Closing speech by Douglas Sills
MP4-BR94 Scene - 02/07/07 Second Stage Theatre, Off-Broadway. Tony Shalhoub, Patricia Heaton, Christopher Evan Welch, Anna Camp.  A
MP4-BR95 Secret Garden - Royal Shakespeare Company, London.  A-  (2 discs)
MP4-BR96 Secret Garden - US Tour 1992 James Barbour
MP4-BR97 Secret Garden -  Benefit Concert 12/05/05  Steven Pasquale, Will Chase, Michael Arden, Laura Benanti, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Sara Gettelfinger, Max Von Essen.  A-
MP4-BR98 Seussical – Broadway 05/20/01 CLOSING NIGHT. Copy of DIGITAL master. Cathy Rigby, Kevin Chamberlain, Janine LaManna, Sharon Wilkins, Michele Pawk, Cameron Bowen.  A
Music Man - Bwy, Eric McCormack- Harold Hill, Rebec
NOT AVAILABLE - Show Boat -  Papermill Playhouse version. Great Performances on PBS 1989.  A  (2 discs)
Opera MP4 Downloads
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