DVD-Y343 Strauss Elektra 1982 Vienne VIDEO

DVD-Y343 Strauss Elektra 1982 Vienne VIDEO
Item# DVDY-343

Product Description

Although this would appear to be an archival copy because among other things the camera focuses on the conductor for the first few minutes rather than on stage, the picture is decent and the sound is very good

R. Strauss Elektra Vienna, 22 January 1982

Klytemnestra Anny Schlemm Elektra Birgit Nilsson Chrysothemis Gwyneth Jones Egist Hans Beirer Orest Franz Ferdinand Nentwig Orest's servant Zelos Edmun Toliver Confidant Gabriele Sima Trainbearer Chrisselene Petropoulos Young servant Wilfried Gahmlich Old servant Hans Christian Overseer Olga Szönyi 5 maids Anna Gonda Gertrude Jahn Margareta Hintermeier Olivera Miljakovic Lotte Rysanek

Conductor Berislav Klobucar