MP3 Download Boris Goldovsky Cornish School lecture 1975 Here is a nearly complete lecture Boris Goldovsky gave at the Cornish School of the Arts, Seattle WA, 20 April 1975 and recorded and broadcast by the local NPR station KUOW-FM. The orignal tape unfortunately ran out during the Q&A time but is otherwise complete. Goldovsky talks about musicianship, acting in opera and his methods of achieving singer independence from the conductor while on stage. 2 mp3 files 60 -32

You are buying a downloadable mp3. Boris Goldovsky Cornish School lecture 1975 Here is a nearly complete lecture Boris Goldovsky gave at the Cornish School of the Arts, Seattle WA, 20 April 1975 and recorded and broadcast by the local NPR station KUOW-FM. The orignal tape unfortunately ran out during the Q&A time but is otherwise complete. Goldovsky talks about musicianship, acting in opera and his methods of achieving singer independence from the conductor while on stage. 2 mp3 files 60 -32
Item# mp3-83041

Product Description

MP3 Download Boris Goldovsky Cornish School lecture 1975

Here is a nearly complete lecture Boris Goldovsky gave at the Cornish School of the Arts, Seattle WA, 20 April 1975 and recorded and broadcast by the local NPR station KUOW-FM. The orignal tape unfortunately ran out during the Q&A time but is otherwise complete. Goldovsky talks about musicianship, acting in opera and his methods of achieving singer independence from the conductor while on stage. 2 mp3 files 60 -32