MP3 Download Joseph Moog - not quite a whole recital - Haydn, Godows I recorded most of this recital by the young German pianist Joseph Moog, whose latest 'divergences' with a small 'd' was highly commended by at least one reviewer possibly with the Intl. Record Review . Reasoning that something is often better than nothing, here's most of Moog's 12 january 2011 recital at Sendesaal Bremen, broadcast by Radio Bremen - Nordwestradio, Friday 1 April 2011 in their programme series Auf schwarzen und weißen Tasten. Haydn - Keyboard Sonata in B minor, Ho

You are buying a downloadable mp3. Joseph Moog - not quite a whole recital - Haydn, Godows I recorded most of this recital by the young German pianist Joseph Moog, whose latest 'divergences' with a small 'd' was highly commended by at least one reviewer possibly with the Intl. Record Review . Reasoning that something is often better than nothing, here's most of Moog's 12 january 2011 recital at Sendesaal Bremen, broadcast by Radio Bremen - Nordwestradio, Friday 1 April 2011 in their programme series Auf schwarzen und weißen Tasten. Haydn - Keyboard Sonata in B minor, Ho
Item# mp3-88335

Product Description

MP3 Download Joseph Moog - not quite a whole recital - Haydn, Godows

I recorded most of this recital by the young German pianist Joseph Moog, whose latest 'divergences' with a small 'd' was highly commended by at least one reviewer possibly with the Intl. Record Review .

Reasoning that something is often better than nothing, here's most of Moog's 12 january 2011 recital at Sendesaal Bremen, broadcast by Radio Bremen - Nordwestradio, Friday 1 April 2011 in their programme series Auf schwarzen und weißen Tasten.

Haydn - Keyboard Sonata in B minor, Ho