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You are buying a downloadable mp3. Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011 Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011 Here's the link to the recording of the performance of September 18th ---- In OperaShare@yahoogroups.com, Dr. Winfried
wrote - > > Dear members of the group, > > did anybody make a recording of the Gemma-di-Vergy-production from Bergamo? An upload would be appreciated. > > Best wishes, > > Winfried Jung > > Teatro Donizetti Bergamo > > Venerd́ 16 settembre ore 20.30 > Domenica 18 settembre ore 15.30 > > Gemma di Vergy > Tragedia liri MP3 Download Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011
Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011
Here's the link to the recording of the performance of September 18th ---- In OperaShare@yahoogroups.com, Dr. Winfried
wrote -
> Dear members of the group,
> did anybody make a recording of the Gemma-di-Vergy-production from
Bergamo? An upload would be appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Winfried Jung
> Teatro Donizetti Bergamo
> Venerd́ 16 settembre ore 20.30
> Domenica 18 settembre ore 15.30
> Gemma di Vergy
> Tragedia liri
Product Description
MP3 Download Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011
Donizetti - Gemma di Vergy - Bergamo 2011
Here's the link to the recording of the performance of September 18th ---- In OperaShare@yahoogroups.com, Dr. Winfried
wrote -
> Dear members of the group,
> did anybody make a recording of the Gemma-di-Vergy-production from
Bergamo? An upload would be appreciated.
> Best wishes,
> Winfried Jung
> Teatro Donizetti Bergamo
> Venerd́ 16 settembre ore 20.30
> Domenica 18 settembre ore 15.30
> Gemma di Vergy
> Tragedia liri