This website will not accept your credit card because we will not charge you until your order is ready to ship. After you have ordered items and you are ready to check out, simply click on "Bill Me," do not enter any credit card information, and we will call or email you for your credit card number after your order has been produced. Once again, no charge until your order is ready, and then we will call or email you for your credit card information.
The purpose of this website is to offer you on CD recordings that have previously been available only on cassette. You will receive the complete opera recording on a CD, it may be as many as 4 discs depending on the length of the opera. Yes all acts are included unless otherwise mentioned,
We are offering all of these recordings at $20 each regardless of the length of the opera, it is the easiest thing for us to do, even though it might not seem fair to you if you are only buying a 30 minute recording. Bear in mind, you might be the only person to ever buy this recording, and our time, effort, and equipment to make this one recording costs money.
These recordings are old, and our master tapes tend to break, stretch, and sometimes get jammed in the tape player while we are trying to convert them and are destroyed in the process.
When you order a CD recording from us, we will not charge you until the item has been produced and is ready to ship. That being said, feel free to order what you would like, and we will send it to you within a couple of weeks of your order. We will call or email you to tell you that it is done, and you can give us your credit card information at that time. This way, if we are not able to convert the cassette for you, you will not be charged.
CAVEAT EMPTOR! The sound quality of these recordings is, for the most part, substandard, so please do not expect miracles. These were recorded in a non-professional way to begin with, and there is just so much we can do about that. You will often hear snap, crackle and pop, the sound of a human heart thumping away, coughing, sneezing, and all the other pleasures that you would hear if you were attending the event.
On the upside, you cant get these recordings anywhere else, so if you absolutely have to have one of these recordings, you have been fairly warned!